ok let me take a slight detour from the recent tales from the front row, it’s about some thoughts that have to do also with religion and the little folksinger, read with open mind or just ignore it, and believe me it’s just personal thoughts and hope you’re not offended at this putting close sacred and profane.
So i was at mass this morning (yes i’m roman catholic in case you wonder) and there was this reading from the Genesis where God looks for Adam and asks “where are you?”, the priest was commenting it recalling a story from the hebrew tradition (that i already read in a very interesting book by Martin Buber :”The Way of Man : According to the Teaching of Hasidism”) where a religious guide from Russia is put in jail and his guard asks him about what was God supposed to ask to Adam, if God knows everything why had He to ask Adam where he was, the religious replied that God indeed is talking to you, is asking to you where you are, what have you done up to now with your life, as an example He says: see it’s 46 years since you’re here, so where are you ?, the guard was higly surpised because that was his exact age.

Now let’s go more down to earth, this is a question that you and me can ask ourselves too, and one thing i’ve been admiring of Ani DiFranco is her doing so much in her life, touring, never stopping, fighting all the battles she believes in, first as a person and also in her songs you can read lines such as : did you do ? did you do all you could ? or how could you do nothing and say, i’m doing my best or again, one of my favorite : you’ve got your whole life to do something and that’s not very long. That’s it, think where you’re now in respect of your life and not just stay there but do what you’ve got to do.