e vai di male in peggio, now playing bronchitina… certo che bisogna ammettere che i designer di certi packaging di medicinali sono degli artisti, ho tra le mani questo simpatico gingillo erogatore di polverina per respirare meglio (no pubblicita’ pls) che con il look discoide violaceo in due toni e relativa apertura rotante potrebbe essere riconvertito rapidamente in un oggettino di culto, che ne so un lettore di mp3 o un minidrive portatile

Mi piacciono gli articoli che Massimo Gramellini scrive su La Stampa , li trovo brillanti e sempre in grado di far riflettere, come quello di oggi , leggetelo. Parla di Feliz Sanchez, un broker di Wall Street che si era licenziato il 10 settembre e quindi salvato dalla tragedia del WTC, aveva deciso di cambiare carriera e vita e tornare a Santo Domingo ed era sull’aereo che si e’ schiantato a Queens.
Giustamente quindi come dice Gramellini : “Una storia simile obbliga a schierarsi. O pensi che l’esistenza sia una boiata senza senso, un gioco perfido che si diverte con te come il gatto col topo e se oggi ti risparmia è solo per colpirti più duramente domani” o pensi che la vita abbia un disegno, per quanto arcano con forse anche un suo senso, io sarei per la seconda, anche se pensandoci sembra che la vita sia piu’ bizzarra dell’immaginazione, a volte almeno.

status : at home, reason being sick days ;( at least chance to incubate besides cold and cough some ideas about my web site or other random projects, first observation might be the language of this weblog, should i persist bloggin in english or just go in my native italian language, in the meantime i just added a css entry for my posts in italian


just saw Chocolat, the movie and i really enjoyed it, it’s a graceful story of how a revolution can start with sweetness (of course you might say, we’re talking about chocolate) and really how some things when done with love and caring for others can break habits and sweep away some moral authoritarianism and let people be free to do what they enjoy. Juliette Binoche is just charming as usual i’d add.
Purtroppo nella versione DVD per il noleggio in Italia non si puo’ accedere ai contenuti extra e inoltre la scelta delle lingue e’ limitata, ad esempio l’inglese ha per forza i sottotitoli in italiano, peccato.

It all begun when i was 12 yo, age when most youngsters go and play soccer, well i was playing with soldering iron and built a totally useless yet cool electronic circuit to convert light to sound. So no wonder that after all this time i still know how to put together a couple of resistors and capacitors and my power supply for MCE 5 mic to Minidisc is done, at least in that prototype i just had confirmation that the schematics make sense and the wiring is as expected.mce5mdpwr

I could not get there without the help of this guy, a real sound expert and of the support people at Beyerdynamic. More detail in the tech section when the full circuit is in place.

blah, first day of almost winter weather and just got a cold that i’m currently fighting with my arsenal of medicins, interestingly enough one of the components turn out to be known also for doping effects, althought i’ve some doubts about it, at least on me it just makes me feel sleepy and as if a tank is passing over me. Also my pc seem to have some sickness:it just hangs and freeze up with the cd patetically trying to start, only the mouse cursor moves but with nowhere to go , i’d say. just brutally powering off is the solution. I suspect some conflict between my SCSI chain and that new Terratec soundcard i got, there’s also to say that the whole system is quite old, yet upgrading it right now that i’ve another notebook i can play with… well i’ll think ‘bout it

found this test from Antonio and scored 52/100 with this remark :
You are a dedicated weblogger. You post frequently because you enjoy weblogging a lot, yet you still manage to have a social life. You’re the best kind of weblogger. Way to go! wow ! (now if someone could explain me what’s a “meme” that’d be great

you don’t realize fully the value of something till it’s no longer there, two examples, the tiny buttons on my Siemens cell phone to access the main menu and the contacts… of course the phone works even without them but… (a longer story on Siemens customer support to be released maybe soon, watch out this space…) and the cleaning of railway station… you never notice too much if they’re clean or not as you may do today where due to a strike all stations and trains are a mess.

now really, does any of you know of some local competition about laziness ? ‘cause i think i’d run and get some outstanding results. If i look back at the list of things i thought i’d do in this extended week end ranging from learning Flash5 to stop procrastinating going to gym passing from a visit to Alba for some good food and wine…. well i don’t see any of those on my list of things done, and with nothing that can fit as substitute as intellectual, social, or whatever challenge. Now even if sometime’s good just to do nothing and take a rest this must change, before it’s too late < period >