stuff dreams are made of

it’s amazing how things can be forgotten : well it’s been a long time since i’ve been playing (or should i say pretending to play?) something on my piano, keyboard indeed, but today after listening a few time to Trouble by Coldplay i decided it was easy enough for me. well i’ve never been good at playing by ear but the net is amazing in this, a quick search and there you go with the piano sheet music well i was no longer able to read the bass key in a piano sheet music…. and there was a time when i played more complicate stuff such as Bridge Over Troubled Water not to mention solfeggio in tenor or baritone key.
Now you might say this is something learnt that you don’t use every day and somewhat not “intrinsic” but i was just wondering, are there more say intimate skills such as dreaming that can fade away ?, i’m not talking ‘bout dreams you do at night, but the capability of imagine, of following a dream, is this something that you can forget ? and what about something apparently even simpler, such as smiling ?
too many questions let’s wear my headphone and get back to Trouble